The New Inductive Study Bible

The New Inductive Study Bible

Author(s): Precept Ministries International



A simple proven approach to letting God's Word change your life...forever.

Every feature of The New Inductive Study Bible is designed to help readers gain a more intimate understanding of God and His Word. It's the only Bible available based entirely on the inductive study approach--providing the tools for observing what the text says, interpreting what is means, and applying it to life!

This exciting new edition contains many special and revised features, including...

  • a more compact size than the original
  • updated NASB text
  • a 32-page guide to carrying out the steps of observation, interpretation, and application
  • full-color pages with step-by-step instructions for marking and studying the text
  • individualized instructions and overviews for every book of the Bible
  • wide margins for notetaking
  • 24 pages of full-color charts, historical timelines, and maps
  • dozens of unique study helps, including a comprehensive history of Israel
  • valuable cross-references and concordance

"Knowledge that is self-discovered is stored in the deepest part of the mind and remains the longest in the memory. There is no jewel more precious than that which you have mined yourself."

Howard G. Hendricks
Dallas Theological Seminary

More Details

Publication Date: 2000
ISBN-10: 736900160
ISBN-13: 9780736900164

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